ive been gainfully unemployed for almost two months now, living off my dad's salary, living in a dormitory near lasalle, and reviewing for the board exams.
i would have wanted to have a job waiting for me by the time i passed the board exams, but it seems that i would have to wait until i pass before i could a job - with an auditing firm...
seems im destined for a stressful life:
zero lovelife minimal lovelife that is
nada social life?
too bad for me
but im a girl who finishes what she has started. and im not going to make any exceptions this time. ill pass the cpa board exams and make my family proud
i could have chosen not to go to review school everyday, but still i chose to do so... here are reasons why:
1. i need to collect handouts
2. i need the answers to the handouts
3. my father paid for my tuition fee - better make the most out of it
4. my father paid for my dormitory expenses
5. i could see my fellow lasallians
and.... hmm.... i cant think of anything else...
well there's
6. a cute guy i always see reviewing outside the classroom... i dont know if he's with us in room 2 but i always see him outside our room... better keep a sharper eye on the lookout of that guy...
i rarely even use my planner nowadays... if i write on my planner all i would see was
Monday - study
Tuesday - study
Wednesday - study
Thursday - study
Friday - study... go home to paranaque
Saturday - mall
Sunday - sleep at home, watch tv, study if i feel like it
and so on...
i dont need a planner to remind me of the things i have to do - they are all inside my head... no need reminding me
believe it or not, sometimes i wish i was an undergrad stude again...
when i was in college, i will only study when there are quizzes - not unlike now when i have to study everyday. an afternoon missed is a lot (which reminds me, i have to make up what i missed this afternoon on sunday)
when i was in college, there is no obligation for me to study my ass off... now there is
when i was in college, i live at paranaque, now i live in a dorm with two girls who like to party at night
when i was in college, i could american idol on star world everytime there is a replay, now i watch it on abc 5 once... and i cant even see the images clearly
when i was in college, i could use the computer when i wanted to, now i have to pay nitro so i could use theirs
when i was in college, i could ask for allowance without feeling guilty, now i feel guilty asking for my allowance and the rent for the dorm, i could have been earning money now, if im not an accountancy grad
and there are a lot of things i could do before that i cannot do now, but there are also a few things which i cannot do before which i can do now...
now i have made lots of friends
now i stay at the gsb office till 9 everyday
now i go home with my friend ayen (and hitch a short ride on wen's car)
now i eat dinner with my friends rather than my family
now i could study at starbucks till late at night (if i have a companion that is)
now i could sleep till 6 am and not 4 am which i do whenever i have to go to cpar from pque
now i could meals out everyday
now i eat cup noodles and bread for breakfast most of the time
now i have to wait till the end of the week before i could get my clothes washed
... and well, many other things besides.. im not telling, in case this blog gets into the wrong hands haha!
i could have gone on and on, but im sleepy. so this entry ends here